Frequently Asked Questions

Bold Reuse is a reuse system that eliminates single-use waste by providing reusable packaging as a safe & convenient service for venues, schools, corporate campuses, and more!  


For vendors, Bold Reuse provides the materials & support needed to offer reusables. Learn more here.

We’d like to thank our valued customers for reusing with us. We have recently transitioned away from our 

Bold Reuse has relationships with the state Departments of Agriculture and County Health Departments for the states that we provide our service. Our service falls outside of their regulatory purviews, but these organizations have reviewed our standard operating procedures related to the safe and sanitary washing, drying, and transporting of reusable containers and cups. In addition, both organizations recognize Bold Reuse has an approved third-party service provider of reusable containers and cups for vendors.

Bold Reuse containers are made of BPA-free polypropylene #5, which is generally considered one of the safest choices for plastic products (other #5 products include yogurt cups and baby bottles). #5 plastic is highly resistant to heat transfer and is super durable – our containers may be used up to 300 times before they are retired from service. At the end of their usable lives, we send them to a local recycling facility.

We are material agnostic and recognize there are pros and cons to every material which could be used for reusable packaging. While by no means perfect, plastic is lightweight, durable, and relatively inexpensive, which are all valuable aspects for reusable packaging. They need to be durable so we can wash and reuse them as many times as possible. And they need to be a size and shape that vendors are familiar with serving their food in. Since another material that fulfills all these criteria isn’t available at this time, we’ve decided to utilize a plastic container. 

Yes, it does require water and energy to wash Bold reusables. However, even with the energy and water needed to wash, the overall environmental impact of reusables is substantially less than single-use, throw-away containers.  You can read more about the environmental impact of reuse vs. single use from Upstream.

Of course! We’ve partnered with event managers hosting anywhere between 50 to thousands of attendees to provide reusable food and drinkware to guests.

Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss how we could work with your event. 

It’s clear that in many cities there’s a rising awareness of our unsustainable dependency of single-use plastic disposables and the negative impacts they have on our local, regional, and global environments. Licensing the Bold Reuse system is an exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to leverage that rising awareness and provide a real solution to a growing, significant problem.

We’re still working on a solution for licensing! Feel free to drop us a line at [email protected] and we’ll let you know when we open up opportunities.